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0-33 A.D.

'Twas the night before Christmas...what surprises are in store for children across town as they await this special holiday?


Extension activities:


  1. “A Visit from St Nicholas” BY CLEMENT CLARKE MOORE (portions of the poem) were read today.  Focus on the vivid descriptions of St. Nicholas (or Santa Claus). Write a poem with imagery that describes someone interesting!  

2.   Listen to the Christmas carol “O Little Town of Bethlehem” by     

Phillips Brooks (1835-1893).


Draw or paint your own scene of the manger!


3.  The following scriptures were read in this episode from the Bible: 


Luke 2:1-20 (NIV)

Isaiah 9:2,6 (NIV)

Micah 5:2 (ICB)


Talk about why the themes of “bread” and “light” might be important in the Christmas story! 


4. Research the Norse  traditions of Yule and listen to our previous episode on Leif Erikson and the Vikings! 


5. Listen to the “Thanksgiving” episode for a story about the Pilgrims! (One of the reasons they left England had to do with not wanting to celebrate Christmas!) 


A blissful spring nature walk, an Easter egg hunt, and a fall down a dangerous cliff - today the Poetry Kids group stays in Ireland and follows a poem's clues which guide them in finding the joys, sorrows, and meaning of the season!  Their Irish friends, Erin and Mr. O'Sullivan, join the children for an unforgettable adventure!  

Follow along with our poem here:

"Easter Reflections" by Helen Steiner Rice


With OUR EYES we see

The beauty of Easter

as the earth awakens once more...


With OUR EARS we hear

The birds sing sweetly

to tell us Spring again is here...


With OUR HANDS we pick

the golden daffodils

and the fragrant hyacinths...


But only with OUR HEARTS

can we feel the MIRACLE of GOD'S LOVE

which redeems all men...


And only with OUR SOUL

can we make our 'pilgrimage to God'

and inherit His Easter Gift of ETERNAL LIFE.

Extension Activities:

1. Go on a nature walk! (Bring your nature journal...) Draw and paint the birds and flowers that you observe, native to your region!  Identify the colors of the parts of the birds (throat, breast, nape, crown, etc.) Also, count the petals on the flowers and find out if they followed the Fibonacci sequence. If you post on Instagram, tag @BrilliantMornings so that we can enjoy the beauty you have found! 

2.  To discover more about the Fibonacci sequence, listen to "Tuesday - Finding Fibonacci" Season 1, Episode 7!

3. For a look at  symbolism and analogies on the spiritual aspect of Easter, read Isaiah 53 in scripture (in the Old Testament)...can you find the lamb in this passage?

4. Have you subscribed to Brilliant Mornings? Do you follow the Instagram account @BrilliantMornings?  Please be sure you do both so we can stay connected to you! You are always welcome to ask questions and contribute! Many of our listeners have been featured on our episodes, simply because they reached out, gave reviews, and contacted us! 

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